When the Bee was just 22 months, and the sun was high and hot in the sky (photographic proof makes up for memory fail), we hit Shotover for a day lazing on a blanket under a solitary and well-climbed Oak. In the company of our trusty and over-heated hound and our good friend Keith, we shared a picnic, picked the occasional berry, and listened to the calls of the Red Kites and buzzing of little planes overhead.
Keith is one of the Bee's favourite people; they have a really lovely relationship, which I put partly down to his ability to be very much in the present moment with her whenever they meet, interested in everything she shows him, exploring the world with her as if for the first time. I wanted to capture something of this relationship in photographs, as well as being keenly aware of my little daughter's fast-paced toddle towards two years.
Below are some favourites, taken again with my lovely Nikon 50mm f/1.8 and D7000. They already make me feel nostalgic, both for the cloudless deep blue sky and long afternoons, and for my little one-year-old (now my great big two-year-old). They are also a good example of the type and range of different shots I like to offer portrait clients from a one-hour shoot, including the couple of surroundings atmosphere shots at the end.
Enjoy and happy half-term* :)
*if you're wondering what to do with your kids/parents over the half-term break, why not book a family shoot? They're great fun, and like all my clients, you'll love the results. Book now by
emailing me to make sure you get a half-term slot.
Thoughtful under the tree |
Evidence of enthusiastic berry consumption |
The photographer's daughter |
Hair clip adjustment (a favourite of mine) |
Cuddle! |
My brown-eyed girl |
In search of berries |
Sharing a snack |
Banana in the sun |
Banana in the sand |
Hope |
Hot dog |
Split down the middle |
Summer love |
Oxford portrait photography
Child portrait photographer Oxford
Toddler portrait photographer Oxford
Baby photographer Oxford