During the 2012 Oxford International Women's Festival, I joined Amnesty, Oxfordshire Mind and Refugee Resource to photograph their 'Come and Celebrate' event, on the eve of International Women's Day (the 8th of March). The event started with a seriously tasty lunch, the afternoon included stalls from a wide range of (women's) organisations and workshops (including relaxation, benefits & money, singing and African drumming), and the day finished with an evening film. It was a lovely event to photograph, and I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to take quick portraits of attendees. Below are a few of my favourites.
More images of the event can be found on my website
here, including many more portraits. Please contact me if you would like a copy of your own portrait.
Happy International Women's Day 2012 (a bit late, I know!) - horray for the women of East Oxford; horray for the women of the world!
event photography Oxford
Some beautiful hands... |